Mower County
Mentoring Program
Mission Statement
The mission of the Mower County Mentoring Program is to positively impact the lives of young people by providing adult support and learning opportunities that promote character development and life-enhancing values through meaningful connections.
Vision Statement
Mower County Mentoring Program envisions a community in which every youth experiences nurturing one-to-one relationships and community support, which in turn allows each of them to develop into their full potential, capable of making informed, responsible decisions as involved members of our community.

Who Can be
a Mentor?
Any adult who has time & a sincere desire to be involved in a young person’s life. They must also care about children’s interest and be willing to develop a relationship of trust.

Who Can Have
a Mentor?
This is a referral based, pilot program for 5th grade students at IJ Holton Intermediate School.
Please check back for updates regularly.
Mentors are caring adults who are dedicated to helping improve the well-being of young people by being a role model and someone that helps support them academically and socially. Youth with mentors are more likely to graduate high school and enroll in a postsecondary program.

Mentoring provides a consistent supportive adult in the life of the mentee. For young people who lack support, having a mentor means having a trusted adult they can turn to when they need it.
Research shows that mentored youth are less likely to begin using alcohol or drugs, skip school, or fight. They report feeling better about schoolwork, show gains in performance and get along better with parents and peers.