Kindergarten Readiness
A strongly bonded relationship with your child is the best preparation for school. Talk, read, and sing with your little one!
Early Childhood Screening
A free public service by the Austin Public Schools for children aged 3, 4, and 5.
The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Early Childhood Screening is a quick and simple check of how children are doing. It identifies, at an early stage, possible learning or health concerns so that children can get needed help.
WHEN: Twice a month
WHERE: MacPhail Center for Music.
205 4th Street NW, across from the Austin High School.
COST: Free!
Screening includes:
Speech and Language Assessment
Learning Development Assessment
Motor Skills Assessment
Hearing and vision Check
Check of Growth and Health
Review of Immunization Record
Please click here to enroll your child for Early Childhood Screening. Once you have enrolled you will receive additional information from our Early Childhood department. If you have questions please contact 507 -460-1709.
Kindergarten Readiness Kit
First United Methodist Church, Austin Rotary, Parenting Resource Center, APAC, and other organizations in our community have graciously donated funds and items for this kit! We would like to share information with them regarding this kit, and how we could improve it in future years. Your feedback matters. Please complete our quick survey!