Mentor Qualifications
What is a Mentor?
A mentor is a caring adult friend and positive role model. Mentors focus on the needs of their mentees and encourage them to make positive and healthy choices in life. Mentors support youth by being their friend and building a relationship of trust.
Who Can be a Mentor?
An adult (over the age of 18) who cares about children.
An individual who has time and an interest in developing a relationship of trust with a deserving youngster.
Resides in Mower County for a year or more.
Has access to a car or reliable transportation.
Agreeing to background screening procedures.
Be willing to adhere to the Mentor Policy.
Agreeing to a one-year commitment to the program.
Austin Aspires does not discriminate based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, creed, sexual orientation, or disability
Submit a Mentor Application form.
Allow background and reference checks.
Be interviewed about your experiences and interests.
Confidentiality is crucial. The information shared by your mentee stays between the two of you and cannot be discussed with your friends or family. You will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Attend orientation and training.
Mentors report on their activities to the coordinator each month, either by mail, email, text or phone. The information remains on file for documentation purposes.
How do I Get Matched With a Mentee
Needs of the Child
Traveling Distance
Life Experiences
Energy Level
The matching process is a series of conversations between the coordinator, the prospective mentor and parents of the prospective mentee and the mentee him or herself. Once both parents or guardians and the mentor agree to a match, the coordinator introduces everyone. If everyone feels the match will succeed, the parent, mentor and mentee sign the Mentor-Mentee-Parent Agreement. The mentor, mentee and parent are asked to set up the first appointment.

You and your mentee would do activities that appeal to you both. Develop a skill, pursue an interest, learn about a subject, or just get to know each other and be friends. Some activities can include, walking, fishing, sports, crafts, swimming, biking, visiting the library, baking, homework, movies, and so much more!
Mentor Minnesota: Becoming a Better Mentor Resources
Chapter 1: Providing Emotional Support and Empathy
Chapter 10: Goal Setting and Support
Chapter 2: Honoring Youth Voice and Building Power
Chapter 11: Effective Conversations about Behavior Change
For additional resources & trainings please visit: