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Celebrating Our Unsung Heroes: In-Home Childcare Providers

Our in-home childcare heros!

Last Saturday, Austin Aspires joined hands with Mower County Government to pay tribute to our unsung heroes – in-home childcare providers. These extraordinary individuals open their hearts and homes to provide love and care to children when parents can't be there. It's a profession that often flies under the radar, and the work can feel thankless. However, it's high time we show our appreciation for the essential role they play in our community.

The In-Home Childcare Providers

Of the 64 licensed in-home childcare providers in Mower County, a whopping 47 attended our event. This impressive turnout was a testament to the commitment and dedication of these remarkable individuals. The highlight of the day was honoring them for their years of selfless service, with most having dedicated over 15 years to this noble profession.

Acknowledging the Unsung Heroes

Mower County Administrator Trish Harren spoke at the event, eloquently expressing the sentiment shared by the entire community. She said, "Childcare providers are the unsung heroes who take our children into their hearts and homes, providing them with a nurturing and safe environment where they can learn, grow, and thrive."

A Vital Role

In-home childcare providers play a crucial role in our society. They allow parents to pursue their careers, knowing their children are in capable and caring hands. Without them, our society would face significant challenges as parents juggle their responsibilities.

Without a doubt, these dedicated providers are the heart of our community. They step in when parents can't be there, offering love, guidance, and a sense of security to children. They become like extended family, fostering growth and learning in the young minds they nurture.

A Heartfelt Thank You from Providers

In- home provider Kim, who has been in the childcare profession for over 23 years, shared her thoughts on the event, saying, "I don’t know if you truly realize how much this meant to me and the other providers. To have someone actually 'see' us and show us that much appreciation is something that doesn’t happen very often, so from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!"

Expressing Our Gratitude

This celebration event was a small token of appreciation for the in-home childcare providers. We wanted to show them just how much we, and the entire community, care about their tireless efforts. Recognizing their commitment and dedication was the least we could do to honor their contribution.

In-home childcare providers are the unsung heroes who quietly shape the future of our community. They provide the care, love, and support that children need when parents can't be there. It's a profession that deserves much more recognition and appreciation than it often receives. Without a doubt, these individuals are the pillars of our society, and we are incredibly thankful to have them in our community. We hope that our celebration has made them feel as valued and appreciated as they truly are.

Thanking Our Amazing Donors

We must also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing donors. It's because of their generosity that we were able to make this event even more special. Each childcare provider went home not

only with a swag bag filled with tokens of appreciation but also with a raffle prize! These raffle gifts were generously provided by our community, and the providers certainly felt the love.

Donors Include

Austin Aspires

Mower County Government

Hormel Foods

Home Federal

Sweet Reads

Sterling Home

Brick Furniture


Austin Morning Lions

Austin Utilities

Boe & Son's

Carr's Bar & Grill

China Star

Coffee House on Main

CHS-Grand Meadow

Diamond Tents

Drop the Gate Apparel

El Mariachi

El Patron

Glenn's Motor Mart

Gappa Automotive

Gift of Gab

Grace Lutheran Quilters

Gregg & Lynee Larson

Gretchen Erickson

Heidi's Corner Store

Hutch & Son's Builders

Jessica Bly

John Howe


Leanne Downey

Life Safety 4-U


Meg's Haircare

Midwest Machinery

Morgan Converse

Muse Botique Salon

Oma's Cookies

Oxley Woodworking

Robin Halverson

Rustic Oak Design

Sangha Yoga Studio

Sara Sayles

South Main Auto

Steve's Pizza

Sweets Hotel

Taco Johns

The Tendermaid

Tessa B Photography

The Hardy Geranium

The Nature Center

The Oak's Golf Course

Trimbles Cycle Center

West Oakland Auto

Willow James Tyler Boutique

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